My favorite character from The Wizard of Oz has always been the cowardly lion. In the movie version, it is so great to watch the scene where he envisions himself as king of the forest, with the strength and power he attributes to that role. What he fails to see throughout the story is that he continues on despite his fears, which is the epitome of strength and resilience. He finds courage inside when he needs it most to help those he loves.
Counselors ask their clients to do hard things. If not, how are you to grow and overcome the challenges you are coming to see us for? If fact, there may be times where you get frustrated, angry, or upset at a counselor. I challenge you to take a step back and ask why they are asking you to try something new or hard. A caring and competent counselor will have your best interest in mind. I trust my clients are capable of learning new skills and developing resilience that will move them forward. I want them to trust me with walking beside them on their journey.
Whatever vision you have for your life, just like the cowardly lion, if you continue on in spite of your fear, those goals you wish to achieve and the life you would like to have become more accessible with every success!